Support LOCCA - Become a Member Now!The Lake Ridge Occoquan Coles Civic Association (LOCCA) was established to foster a sense of community pride and a commitment to common goals and ideas in the-Lake Ridge area. LOCCA works to preserve and extend the amenities and natural beauty that had originally attracted many of us to the area – LOCCA is protecting your investment. LOCCA seeks to convey, as a unified voice, the desires and concerns of the community, and to have a positive impact on the planning and land-use decisions that affect us all. LOCCA is a non-profit organization that is nonpartisan, nonpolitical, and not affiliated with any development corporation or financial institutions.
Membership can be obtained on an annual or lifetime basis. The LOCCA fiscal year runs from October 1st through September 30th. When becoming a member during the fiscal year, membership will be effective immediately upon payment of the required fee and will run for one year or through the end of the next fiscal year, whichever is longer. When joining for the first time, the dues are as show (First Year Membership). Thereafter, the Annual Membership amount applies. Lifetime membership is effective immediately upon payment of the fee and will run until the qualifications for membership lapse (members must either reside or own property in Prince William County). Please download and complete the form below. Checks should be made payable to LOCCA and mailed to LOCCA, P.O. Boz 204, Occoquan, VA 22125. |