Dr. Jack Kooyoomjian serves as President of the Lake Ridge Occoquan Coles Civic Association (LOCCA). Dr. Tony Bennett serves as the Chairman of the Association's Planning, Environment, Land-Use and Transportation (PELT) Committee. LOCCA/PELT's primary contact is Dr. Bennett. Dr. Bennett is responsible for coordinating the activities of the PELT Committee. If you would like to make a presentation at one of the monthly meetings or have hard copy information to provide to the Association, please contact Dr. Bennett.
Dr. Tony Bennett, Chairman
P.O. Box 204
Occoquan, Virginia 22125
[email protected]
Hard copy information may be sent to the LOCCA mailing address:
P.O. Box 204
Occoquan, Virginia 22125
Dr. Tony Bennett, Chairman
P.O. Box 204
Occoquan, Virginia 22125
[email protected]
Hard copy information may be sent to the LOCCA mailing address:
P.O. Box 204
Occoquan, Virginia 22125